Real People Real Stories Real Christians

Join us on our journey to bring Chistians together for a common cause, to share, encourage, build up, and pray for one another as we work on the front lines of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to all.

Feel Lead Please Share

Hello all. This is an open invitation to you if you feel so lead. God is wonderful in many ways and we would like to know how He has been working in your life. If you have a story or your testimony and would like to share please let us know. This may be encouraging to someone going through struggles or searching. Please post in the comment section under "Stories".
Also if you have a need or praise we would love to pray for you or share in your joy and God's glory.
In Christ

Thursday, February 3, 2011

EXIT .....Change your View

You will never view this sign the same again

Thursday, January 27, 2011


If you have a testimony or prayer you would like to share, we would love to hear it and/or pray for whatever may be on your heart.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Humbly Asking for Help

How many times have you watched a certain movie. There are some I have watched 10 20 30 times. Sometimes if it is only for a certain part. Now there are also times when you have seen one numerous times and IT hits you, something that was out of the blue (I'll call it Heaven in this case).
To set the stage. The movie is Remember the Titans starring Denzel Washington as Herman Boone the new head football coach of TC Williams during the early 70's . Herman replaced the present and long time coach Bill Yoast.
During the last game of the season TC Williams is playing perennial power house Marshall High School coached by legendary coach Ed Henry. Marshall is whooping up on undefeated TC Williams in the first half and as they are headed to half time it hit me.
As they are leaving the field, coach Yoast's young daughter says to her dad "look coach now ain't the time to be proud" in other words she recognized he needed help and was too proud to ask for it. Just like an innocent humble child and us know it all proud adults right.?
Mark 10:15 says Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
Here is a simple act of a child to not over complicate things and is not too proud like an adult who thinks he/she can handle it themselves.
Then the classic part as they are in the locker room getting ready to go back out // coach Yoast says to Herman Boone.
" Herman I sure could use your help, Ed Henry’s kicking my ass out there."
This is exactly what us proud Christians should be doing most of the time, swallowing our pride and asking for help.
" God I sure could use your help, Satan's kicking my ass down here."
We think we can handle it ourselves, but guess what? WRONG. Without God you are going to get it kicked guaranteed. Swallow your pride and and humbly ask for help.
We are in a battle / a war/ and it is not a game. Christians are not here just to be nice and safe. It is time to kick Satan's ____ , but guess what? You cannot do it alone.

Pray and ask God for his help. HE is faithful and He lives with us and in us..... the Holy Spirit.

Friday, January 14, 2011

God's Will for Your Life?

Have you ever asked that of God? Of course you have. God, what is it you want or ask of me? What is Your will for my life? Are you looking for an audible answer, are you looking for major hints? What about turning to the answer book.....God's word, the Bible. The answer is there, plain and simple and hit me like a ton of bricks. God's will for my life, your life, and for every born again believer walking this planet is there clear and present for you to see in Matthew... Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Yeah that one. Our command to action. It is God's will that we take what he has done through Jesus and spread it through out this world. Each and every one of us. This is not just for the professionals or ministers or missionaries, it is for you and it is for me.

Here in lies an issue for us. We are programmed for receiving information. Not many of us are programmed for reproducing information. We as Christians have all the knowledge, resources, and information most will ever need and we receive more day by day. It is time we take this info and reproduce it. (make disciples). One of my favorite thoughts is "life change is a function of action" If we really want to see life change, not only in us but in others we must obey God and obey His will for our lives and "go / make/ baptize /teach" Notice all action words. Nothing here about needing to receive more information or "boy I needed that today" or "the sermon was great today it really hit home" and on and on. All good but let's go and do something with it.
Reproduce not just receive. reACT

Change the World? Why not?

Change the World.......Why Not

Believe it or not, most people do not wake up in the morning thinking......."what can I do today to make a difference in the world". Why not? We are part of it. I would venture to say that if you asked 100 people if they were satisfied with where they are or with the state of the world or country today, the answer would be a resounding now what// accept it// change it// resolve that there is nothing you can do about it// Tricky questions with tricky answers. No you probably cannot do alot by yourself but add a bunch of little by yourselves and we may get somewhere a little bit at a time. What are you filling the little boxes with that make up your calendar, You know that daytimer thing that has your to dos and appointments and special days. They get filled with something. Make it count.
Here is a scary thought. If you live to be 70 you would have been alive 613,200 hours. If you give God one hour a week in prayer, you have given the Creator of the universe, the Maker of all that is, was and all that will be a whopping .6 of a percent (that’s 6 tenths) of your calendar. Let’s start with that little bit and see what happens as it grows. Whoa got heavy on a Friday but that’s what hit today.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Powered by Him
For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God's power we will live with him to serve you.
2 Corinthians 13:4

Christ came, took on human form, took on human characteristics (except sin), lived among us and was crucified in what looked OUTWARDLY as weakness. But the power that was unleashed in his resurrection is now evident. From the outside we may look weak in form and are weak as humans, but inwardly with the power of the Holy Spirit we live and have a power unlike any other. In all we do, remember it is not up to us and our outwardly appearing human nature, but what we do is with HIS POWER ,the Holy Spirit, that is in us.

As we undertake any of our challenges, remember where the power lies and Who is in you. You are a living creature with the power of the one that is in and with you. You are not alone.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Phillipians 4:13

Running, walking, reading, studying, whatever your goals, remember why, where and most importantly.....Who..... your power comes from.

I have heard it before that this religion this God this Jesus thing is a crutch.......NO it is much more. It is my crutch, my walker, my wheel chair, my cane, NO He is my life support.